Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017 Weekly Update

Hi Everyone!

We are busy as always here in room 218!  A few important reminders to start:

-We need volunteers for the April 29 Circus at BEU!  Parents are needed to help with games and prizes.  Any times will be appreciated! Please contact me or Jennifer Hecht to get signed up and make this first annual spring fundraiser a great one!

-MAP testing will begin the week after next (first week of May).  Next week, we will spend some time taking a practice Reading and Math test to help kids get comfortable with the test format.

-Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Raffle basket.  Keep selling those tickets, and if you need more we have extra booklets here at BEU.

Here is a quick rundown of the past week!

Reading-  We are continuing to enjoy our novel, "House Arrest".  We have been practicing answering short response questions to get us ready for the MAP test!

Math-  We have really enjoyed moving around to different teachers to review measurement concepts.  Kids have reviewed angles, shapes, using rulers, etc.

Writing-  I am so proud of the effort the kids are putting into their poetry notebooks!  We are so excited to share them on May 12 (see note in Friday folders this week, and save the date!)

Social Studies-  This week we are beginning research on our Famous Missourian projects!  Kids are expected to find as much biographical informatioin as they can (they have a note-taking page) and then they have a choice of how they will present their projects.  More to come on this as we make progress.

Well, that's about it for this week!  Remember, we need volunteers for the BEU Circus, and it is happening next Saturday (April 29) from 5pm to 8pm. Have a great weekend!