Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 9, 2016 Updatte

Hello everyone!

We have had a very busy week here at BEU!  The kids are working hard in math and reading, and we are learning a lot about US geography!  Plus, we are so excited to get our classroom ipads!  We will be able to work with so many cool learning applications!

Here is a quick update:

We are redrafting our personal narrative essays, and focusing on leads and dialogue (showing not telling)

This week we will be adding and subtracting whole numbers.

In reading, we have been studying story elements and characters.  We are also working on our Daily 5 expectations, and have added a "Read to Someone" option, which helps fluency and accuracy.

Social Studies-
Next week, we will have our quiz over the US states, continents and oceans, and Missouri features.

I think that's about it for now...we have scheduled a Planetarium visit in the near future, but I will have more on that as it gets a little closer.   See you next week, and enjoy your weekend.